Nimbot ( Pako bot ) muc commands

.muc echo hiBot will say hi in room
.muc kick irshBot will kick the id irsh ( Bot should be the admin/owner of room)
.muc greet !shu wc buddyBot will say !shu: wc buddy when ever the user !shu enters the room.
.muc greet del !shu@nimbuzz.comThis command will delete the greet for the user !shu
.muc greet showThis command will display the list of ids which will be greeted. You can use .muc del 1 to delete the first greet in the list.
.muc censor donkeyBot will reply the user with, Dont use this again
.muc censor showWill display the list of words in censor
.muc hereWill show the duration from the time you joined the room
.muc here irshWill show the duration from the time irsh id joined the room
.muc idle irshWill show for how many minutes the id irsh has remained idle
.muc nameWill show the room name
.muc roleWill show your role i.e. Owner/Admin/Participant
.muc role irshWill show the role of user irsh
.muc infoGives your info about Role, Access level and more.
.muc info irshGives info about Role, Access level and more of the user irsh
.muc nicksShows the list of ids in room
