Nimbuzz chatroom bot easy installation and configuration

NimbBot for Nimbuzz Chatrooms
NimbBot is a modified version of Pako bot, designed to make the bot work on nimbuzz chat rooms When compared to other bots, Pako bot is very easy in installation and managing. It is not dependent on any other softwares. One can easily install it and start using. Pako bot supports Multiple admins for the bot to manage it in room. There are list of commands which will make the bot understand and perform some action. Some commands can be given to the bot id in its pvt. some commands works only in chat room.
You can get list of commands from bot by typing .muc list, .misc list, .admin list. you can see more comants below

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Also check Nimbuzz Bots Official - Jimmy Bot, Twitter Bot, Cricket Bot, Astro Bot.


  1. Dear ..... after All Setting My bot is not ENTRING in ROOM what can i do ??
    All setting is same like ur Settings..
    when open dos file its stop at
    20 : 50 : 40 > compressed
    and after few sec its got reconnect...! what to do tel e

  2. @adeem send mail to

  3. hi whats the problems wth my nimbot i use the same settings you did but when i run my nimbot it say pako.exe has stop working can u pls tell me wht should i for this problem?

  4. Hi... i've done Nimbuzz bot successfully but its not working.... my bot cant enter in confraceroom.... what should i do now...? plz help me :(

  5. In program files, Goto Nimb Bot > Room Configurations then change the code as per your Room Name and Id


    Here Replace id to your bot id in place of nick="id"
    and Replace roomname to your desired room name in jid=""

  6. bot enter the chat room.But it's not respond in the room!what i do?

  7. u need to control the bot using the commands from the bot admin id . check the commands in the image

  8. tadessemoy@nimbuzz.comNovember 22, 2011 at 7:26 AM

    I did everything as asked! But it says stopped responding. Y is that. must i make the bot admin?? :S need help

  9. Blog walkin' addict here.

    @tadessemoy, you don't have to make the bot admin? as long as the bot already online, you can control it using bot admin (admin bot is different with room admin)

  10. how 2 keep d bot online, coz once it joins d rum it goes offline aftr a few seconds

  11. i wanna remove all BOTS from my nimbuzz account. will u help me for that??

    1. By just deleting the bot id from your Nimbuzz list you can remove the bot!!

    2. is any compactibiliy with windows 7 home basic 64 bit?

    3. any one help how to use this bot it,s not working

  12. help its not working plz ,i am geeting this message when I start it..

    Location : C:\Pako 12.01.07\bin
    Working set: 16183296 bytes
    Version: 2.0.50727.4927
    NoMucsMode OFF

    PAKO 12.01.07 ( developers team)

    <20 : 18 : 42> Initializing databases and handlers...
    <20 : 18 : 42> Handlers and databases NOT ready.

    help how can i solve this problem . i have window7..

  13. need help. when i run nimbot.exe, it says pako.exe has stopped working.

  14. hi whats the problems wth my nimbot i use the same settings you did but when i run my nimbot it say pako.exe has stop working can u pls tell me wht should i for this problem?

  15. i cant download it...why? other link is opened while i clickled the link "download"


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